
Pur awarded with Macarfi Guide’s Rookie Prize of the year!


Pur awarded with Macarfi Guide’s Rookie Prize of the year!

On Monday, November 25th, the Macarfi Guide acknowledged us as the best Rookie restaurant (restaurant opened in the last 12 months) in the 2020 guide.
Nandu Jubany and Maties Coll (Pur’s head chef) received the award at the gala that was held at the Antigua Fàbrica Damm in Barcelona.

The Macarfi Guide simultaneously presented the awards yesterday in Barcelona and Madrid, the two cities where the project is currently present.


Nandu Jubany picked up the award congratulating his Pur team with Maties Coll running the kitchen, and Joan Piedra, the dining room.


Among the nominees for the Macarfi Rookie of the year were: Aürt, Bisavis, Cocina Hermanos Torres, Cruix, Hoja Santa, La Tartareria, Nairod, Sato and Tanaka and Slow & Low. Together with us, Cocina Hermanos Torres received the ex aequo prize.
Macarfi distinguished Disfrutar from Barcelona and Diverxo from Madrid as the best restaurants of the year.


Macarfi valuates and scores the 1,000 most interesting restaurants in Madrid and Barcelona. The opinions are the result of the critiques received from their more than 1,000 ambassadors, who are constantly contributing to and regularly providing content to the Guide. All the critiques received about the same restaurant are merged into a maximum-of-100-words single one. The same process is used for the scoring of food, decoration and service, which is the average received.


The whole team at Pur thank everybody who has been by our side. The prize is yours too!


Photo: 7 caníbales